Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas already?!?

December has come and gone! I turned 22 and now we are about to celebrate Christmas. Christmas is so exciting for us as a family now. Mostly because we get to  watch our littles open every present "Santa" brought :) This year, Logan asked for Furbys and Robots. Blaire wanted babies and a Furby. They both got just that as well as lots others. We also purchased them both a Nabi. Although it is a very stressful time, the stress melts away when we see our babies light up opening gifts. This year, Rorys parents are coming down to stay with us. We are all excited to see them!

We just got home from the Grand America. My parents bought all of us each a room and we all stayed the night. We started the trip off with a ride on the trax to Build a Bear where my mom and dad purchased each child a bear. Blaire got a my little pony and Logan got a camo bear. We went home, had room service and hot chocolate and went to bed. Woke up went to breakfast and now we are all snug in our homes. I can't believe how fast time is passing lately. I feel like it is becoming impossible to slow things down. I have been booked out for months on photo sessions and all of the editing is taking up my time, as well as working and being a mom, but I view it all as a very big blessing. I am thankful to be able to help provide for our family along with Rory, as well as doing what I love.

Blaire has been walking and talking like crazy. She repeats everything! LOOVEES Logan, she copies everything he does. She can even tell us when she needs to go potty.

Logan, he is our little champ. He knows everything, colors, shapes, numbers, letters etc. He is too smart. I have no doubt in my mind that our kiddos are going to do fantastic in school.

We have had a fun time celebrating the holidays. Lots of gingerbread houses, ice ornaments, Elf on the shelf (charlie) Christmas cookies, and fun movies. I love this time of year.

We also welcomed a sweet niece into our family, baby Grace. She is beautiful. Looks like her big brother.

Rory and I are happy as ever. A little tired from sleeping with two big kids, but none the less, soo in love.

Our house is coming along. We finished painting and furnished it. We absolutely love being home owners.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Living in Saratoga, vacations and disasters

We have had quite the time these last few months! Really!

July we took a nine day vacation. We drove down to Vegas for two days than drove to Oceanside California to stay for a week. We took Logan and Blaire to Disney Land, the piers and beaches. It was amazing and so fun. We also visited San Diego and Old Towne. While In San Diego, we went to La Jolla Cove and got to see lots of seals on the beach. It was amazing to see. Disney Land was hot and crowded. We got their at 8 am and went on a few rides before the crowds came and sort of ruined the fun. Blaire is a little red head so she burns very easy, no matter how much sun screen we put on her. Logan was just hot. We got photos with the incredibles and Mickey Mouse and Belle, than decided to head back to  the hotel. We stayed in a hotel suite. It had a Kitchen, laundry room and frontroom. It was amazing! Later in the evening we drove back to Disneyland and finished the night with amazing fireworks.
All around, California was a blast. The kids did amazing on all the driving and we had lots of fun. A few days after getting home, I walked down stairs to put stuff into our storage room and discovered the flash flood that hit our neighborhood flooded a room in our basement. BUMMER! Luckily, we are insured and covered. We are on the burn scar of where the fire was last year so it has caused a few floods. Hopefully it all evens out soon though.

Blaire still hasn't started walking. That little girl has a sense to her, I like it though. She can walk, we have watched her take steps, but when it comes to her showing us how, she won't. I want this girl to stay a baby forever, so the slow on walking thing helps me hold on to that. Unfortunately, I know it won't last much longer. She can talk like nothing I have heard before. She repeats everything Logan says, and everything we say. Not everything she says sounds perfect, but a lot of the words do. She is very fast at learning, just like her brother. Logan knows all the letters, colors, shapes. He is learning numbers and sounds of letters. We have been working with them both with flash cards and pointing out everything we can.

Karlee is having a baby girl! She is due in November and I am so excited for her.
All this baby talk has been making me wonder if I might want another one. Time to time, it comes up between Rory and I. We talk like we want another, but I don't think it is in our future right now. I am content with two babies. They get lots of our love and attention. I think I mostly miss having a little baby, luckily both of our kids are petite. Blaire is just this tiny little girl and Logan is tall and skinny. Perfect little babies.

My Photography has been doing well. I shot my first wedding this month and it went amazing. I loved how everything turned out. August always seems to be a busy month for me. I had a newborn session, bridals, family, wedding, I am booked for one more newborn session, one child, one family and one baby. I love keeping busy and LOOVE what I get to do!

Rory and I are doing great. He has a brilliant idea for a website and we are very excited about getting it going when the time is right. We just celebrated our 7 year anniversary! 7 years! So much has happened and it has made me the happiest woman alive. Our 4 year anniversary is also coming up. I just can't help but feel so blessed to have met him and all the beautiful things our love has created and how far we have come. I am blessed to have him as my husband best friend and everything more.

January of this year my mom started her own bankruptcy and credit repair company. It has taken off and become very successful. We have always told her to do this but she put it off. I am so proud she finally jumped in. My mom is a genius. She has shown me how to be the woman I am. I love her so much!

We found out little Blaire has the same enamel problem as long. We caught hers soon enough that she hopefully wont need caps but will need a filling on the back of her tooth. She is scheduled for surgery on tuesday and we are praying and crossing our fingers that everything goes good. She is a little trooper thought and I know she will be so brave and she will do great!

I am so proud of my babies. I love them to pieces

I am off to bed. Good night blogger!
 Logans Room
 Blaires room
 A few sessions

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Logan is THREE

Holy moly. He is three years old! He had a fun birthday. We took him to Airborne with all of our family, and on June 10th we will be having a birthday party for him and Blaire at our new home with a bounce slide and cotton candy and such. He is excited!

In three short years, you exceeded all of daddy and I's expectations. You have flew past mile stones, all of them early. You are smart as can be and you teach us something new everyday. You have been a great big brother to Blaire and we are so proud of you. Every morning when you roll over in bed and tell mommy and daddy "I love you SO much", it completely melts us. You know how to start a day being a good one. It is becoming easy to conversate with you and have you tell us what you and Knox played :) You still fight bath time and cutting our hair, but you brush your teeth like a champ! ABC'S are a breeze for you and counting is becoming that way as well. Colors are easy for you. You amaze us every day Logan. We are so proud of you and we love you so much! Happy birthday little man!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Happy birthday baby Blaire

Blaire turned one on the 14th. The saturday before we had a family party at the park. It was perfect! She got lots of baby dolls and puppy toys :)

The day of Blaires birthday, Logan ended up having to get another surgery on his tooth after he fell and cracked his crown. They were able to fix it back to new, but it was not a happy moment telling Logan goodbye again while they did the surgery. It was completely heartbreaking, but he came out like a champ and is as good as new! We are very proud of how brave he was!

Blaire is not quite walking but she is SO close. She is so tiny that it looks so funny watching her. She is such a sweet baby. Talks so much and copies Logan on everything. She loves playing puppies and having us crawl around with her and bark with her. She is such a sweety and gives loves to everything. She can wave, crawl super fast, stand, furniture surf like a champ, high five, clap, peek a boo! and so much more! She is super good at talking and can say dada, mama, byebye, puppy, bubbles and more. She tries to say everything we tell her. You are always taking lids off and putting them back on.


In this short and fast year, you have exceeded all of our hopes about you. You have learned everything so fast and have been such an easy baby. You are beautiful and so perfect. Daddy and I love you so much. We are so proud of you and Logan and are so proud to be your parents. In one year you have grown and turned in to this little sweet, smart toddler. We cant wait for another year with you. We love you so much baby girl!!

Here are some one year photos I did of you last week

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Life moves fast

We have had a few good weeks around here. Stressful, yes. Good, yes.

Blaire is getting so close to walking. She is just this tiny little body and it looks so funny. She can stand and she has taken a few steps. Next week is her first birthday. What. The. Heck. One whole year with this girl has made us one happy family. She grows and learns SO fast. She is a little copy cat. Copies everything Logan does. It is the cutest thing how much she looks up to him. She loves shoes. Loves when daddy brushes her hair. Hates brushing her teeth and eats EVERYTHING she can fit into her mouth.

Logan is our little buddy. Talks to us like it is NOTHING. He has complete conversations with us and comes to us all excited to tell us cool stories. Makes my eyes swell. He is so protective of Blaire and always runs to tell me if he thinks there is something wrong. We switched Blaire forward facing, a week early but I believe she is ready. She is not so sure about mommy not sitting by her anymore, but she will grow to get used to it.

I have had bad migraines all week. Rory has been a champ about taking care of me and the kids. In fact, he is out at the gas station with Logan while Blaire and I cuddle and he is getting us snacks.

I have been keeping busy with photo sessions. Love to meet new people and create beautiful memories. I am proud of how far I have come. I have learned so much.

This week we will be doing Blaires birthday photos and I can not wait! Logan gets his surgery the day of Blaires birthday next week. Logans best friend and cousin has be sedated to get a cavity filled the same day at the same place so I am hoping having little Knox there will make things less scary for him.

A few photos of a little guy I did this week

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Exciting news!

I want to SO badly announce our good news, but we decided to wait til we know it is a for sure thing. But I have to say, I feel so good about everything!

Rorys parents moved to Vegas in March. We have been missing them! They will be down at the end of May and we are so excited to see them!

Poor little Logan fell off the counter and split the cap on his front tooth completely in half. I took him to the dentist the next dayand they said it would've fine to leave it as it is, or they can fix it. We decided to have it fixed. I know it might seem silly, but I would never put that on u child. He will be going to schooling a few years and I know from first experience how mean kids are and I can't stand the thought of kids putting my little guy down. I feel guilty at the same time though, but I know it will save him, and myself mostly, a lot of tears down the road. His surgery is scheduled for May 14, Blair's birthday. It will be in the morning so that makes it better.

Logan is doing well though. He actually does amazing at the dentist. He doesn't cry at all. He is such a little champ. He is such a cool little guy. He amazes me every day with how much he learns.  I cannot believe he is going to be 3 years old. Where did baby Logan go? He is so smart. He is also our little Justin Beiber. He loves to sing and likes a wide variety of music which makes his mommy proud. He is finally growing out of his size two pants. I never thought I would say that. He is just so petite. He is obsessed with super heros. His birthday Willie a super hero theme. We decided to rent a bounce house and cotton candy machine and do a big party at our place for his birthday and Blair's first birthday. Next year we will start doing separate birthday so they each have a special day. We will be mixing super heros with princess theme for them both.

Blaire has 5 teeth. She is also so petite and still fits inner size six month clothes. She is so close to walking. Sheis still breastfed because she is not such a big solid food girl yet. She is also a talker. She can tell us the sounds a puppy makes, she says pup pup instead of puppy, waves, claps loves peek a boo, great kisser :) sweet loves. I can't believe she is going to be one! She is the sweetest girl. Se seriously never crises unless she is hungry or tired. She is a little copy cat. Se loves copying everything we do.

I am so proud of my sweet beautiful and smart babies!

Rory and I are doing great. We have been keeping busy. He has been a great help these last few weeks while my migraines have been bad. I get my next set of Botox injection in a few months. Hoping they work better this time.

Time for bed now!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Because our house situation didn't work out,  we moved into my moms house apartment until our loan finishes. Ever since moving in, I feel like my life is at a halt.  It has put me in this sort of sad blegh feeling. It has been a dragging process. We still haven't gotten the good news that I am wanting/needing, but I guess I am lucky to have a place to live. I am lucky to wake up to my sweet baby Logan who is growing to fast, and my beautiful baby Blaire who is almost not a baby. I can not believe how fast these two have grown. Logan, he can have a full on conversation with me. He says his ABC's, he always points out letters on signs out the window, he can count to ten and up, knows every color, all the shapes. Fully potty trained. I just can not believe he has grown this fast in three years. Blaire is sprouting like I can not believe. She is furniture surfing, climbing every thing, talking, copying us, LOVES Logan, like she can not get enough of him. She cries when he leaves the room, it is the sweetest thing.

I am hoping we will get our loan finished soon so I can move on with our life. It is such a hassle and really messes with your emotions.

Logans surgery went well. Every thing is fixed and he is as good as new. He turns three in two months. We are planning a super hero party at the bowling alley.

Blaire will be one in two months. It just went by way to fast. Having my babies growing up makes me wonder if I am really done having kids. Maybe it is just because everyone around me is having kids, but the thought is in my head.

Good news! Karlee and Austin are pregnant after trying for 9 months. I could not be happier for

My photography is doing better than ever before. I started a little in home studio for newborns and children. I love begin able to do location and indoor photos. Rory surprised me on Valentines with the external flash I have been wanting. I have been booking 3-4 shoots a month. It is nice to have something to keep me busy while we wait on our loan. 

I think I may have developed a sleep disorder. I can never sleep at night anymore! It is making me bonkers!

Here are a few recents we did of my sweet babies in my little studio!

Well, off to play games. Good night world!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Take off

I decided that this year I am going to put all of my efforts into getting my photography going. It has already paid off. Just this month I have had three photo shoots, and two more to go! I got the amazing opportunity to shoot a baby who is in the NICU. He was born 5 1/2 weeks early and has been having some trouble thriving. He was just the sweetest thing. The photos turned out amazing and I have gotten so much feed back from them.

Blaire sprouted 2 more teeth. She now has 4 teeth! She had her first dentist appointment last week. Her and Logan went in for a check up. They both did so great! We made Logan a deal that if he was good at the dentist, we would buy him a fish. He chose a blue and red Beta fish.

Logan ended up having a cracked tooth that was exposed. Because he previously had Enamel Displasia, they will have to put a filling on it so it doesn't disintegrate. I am not looking forward to it. It makes me so sad and scared putting him under anesthetics. I know he will come out like a champ, like usual!

He had his first friend sleep over last week. His cousin Luke stayed the night and we all had a blast. We built tents and watched super hero movies all night. He did so good!

Blaire is a chatter box. She can clap, wave, go crazy, she says "whats that?", loves eating every thing she can  find :) She has grown so much. It breaks my heart. She pulls her self to stand on everything. She will be walking in no time.

I am doing a couple shoot today down town. I better go get ready :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Birthday week and Logans fifth tooth!

Yipee! Logan has five teeth now! With another on the way. He is the master at crawling and sitting up and is now saying mama and dada. He is so sweet. Loves giving fives, dancing, clapping, making messes :), bonks, and lots more! His favorite song is heres to the night by eve six and Artist in the Ambulance by THrice. He is such a genious baby! Also, I turned 19 this week. Hooray! I had a great birthday! We are going to Tepenyaki tonight with some friends for dinner, and Rory went and bought me a new outfit. I weigh 108 now. Yay! Such a big accomplishment! We went and saw Rorys cousin for the first time in two years at the airport today. He returned from his mission in California. It was nice to see him! He was so suprised with how much weight I lost.

Busy Month! Logan is now five months!

Logan is now five months old. He can sit up, roll from back to stomach and stomach to back, dance, play bonk :) walk with our support and he now has three teeth! Yes 3! He is so smart. We are so proud of Logan! We are also so proud of our selves.