Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Birthday week and Logans fifth tooth!

Yipee! Logan has five teeth now! With another on the way. He is the master at crawling and sitting up and is now saying mama and dada. He is so sweet. Loves giving fives, dancing, clapping, making messes :), bonks, and lots more! His favorite song is heres to the night by eve six and Artist in the Ambulance by THrice. He is such a genious baby! Also, I turned 19 this week. Hooray! I had a great birthday! We are going to Tepenyaki tonight with some friends for dinner, and Rory went and bought me a new outfit. I weigh 108 now. Yay! Such a big accomplishment! We went and saw Rorys cousin for the first time in two years at the airport today. He returned from his mission in California. It was nice to see him! He was so suprised with how much weight I lost.

Busy Month! Logan is now five months!

Logan is now five months old. He can sit up, roll from back to stomach and stomach to back, dance, play bonk :) walk with our support and he now has three teeth! Yes 3! He is so smart. We are so proud of Logan! We are also so proud of our selves.