Sunday, September 19, 2010

Two teeth, huge fire and numerous hospital visits!

This has been one adventerous week! As I have said, Logan began teething last month, but this week his first TWO!!!, yes I said two, teeth came in in two days! He is miserable but he is doing better. Than, I had a horrible pain in my tummy so I went into the ER, turns out my liver is messed up. My enzyme level should be at about 50-100, it is at a 500. They sent me home with an antibitioc and told me to get an appt for a scope in my tummy, went home and it got worst with a high fever. Went back in and had to stay the night. Hopefully this works out, I will have to get a camera shoved down my throat to see what is going on. Also, the mountain right next to our house is on fire. HUGE fire. It is spreading fast. I got some nifty pictures of it too! Well, off to cuddle Logan. Good night :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Love Laughing with Rory

:) He always makes me laugh so hard. We just laughed so hard my tummy hurts. Speaking of laughing, Logan can do it now! Him and Rory are sitting here talking and copying eachother and he thinks it is the funniest thing ever! He loves his dad, it is so sweet. Rory can get him to fall asleep by singing to him. Logan is getting so big. He is almost sitting by him self. Today we are going to get my pants, Miss Me jeans. Yay! Had to go shopping again because none of my clothes fit. I am down to a size 27 (3-4) jeans and small shirt. 117lbs, I feel pretty good! Tomorrow we are having our friends over which should be pretty fun. Jared is getting married next week, finally lol. Oh my gosh, Logan is so cute, he is just chatting with his dad over here. I love it. He is sleeping through most of the night now. He wakes up at 1 than sleeps til 6 or 7. I am glad lol. I am just about finished with my second course for photography. It was hard, but so fun to learn all the things I needed to to improve my photos, and they did imencely. Sunday we are going to the fair with Conley and Brandie. I am excited. Rory and I were just talking last night about how happy we are with where life has gone for us. We could not imagine life with out eachother and Logan. He has brought so much joy to us. We love doing everything as a family. We don't get to do a lot of the things we used to, but its a sacrifice worth losing, because we have so much more fun doing things as a family. I love my family. Well I am off to hang out with Logan and Rory! Bye!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I remember

9/11, a tragic day for many. Millions lost loved ones, a mother, father, child, brother or sister, a friend. We all lost tears. I lost hope. When the towers were hit, moments with in eachother, I was young. I really didn't understand what was going on. I remember sitting on the edge of my bed watching anchormen cry and not knowing why this was so tragic. Here we are now, 9 years later, and I know now. I know the tragedy that struck us that morning. A tragedy we will never forget. I lost hope in humanity that day, but gained it back to see the strong young men stepping up to fight for our freedom, the firefighters running in to save the ones they can, the police officers and emt helping the needy, and our country coming together as one. I will never forget.

Austin finally comes home October 5th, he will return to California than coming back to Utah. He won't have to be deployed for atleast another year. Yay! We missed him so much. I am so proud of him. He has turned out to be a great, brave, strong Man. I am so thankful for my family and what they have turned out to be. I am so happy to have my husband and my beautiful baby boy. I love what my life has turned out to be. I love who I am. I am off to spend some time with my Logey boy and hubby. God bless our troops, Austin, and my family.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Great week, Logan is now three months

My sexay husband!
Some pictures of the shoot this week

Little Logan all big and cute

Me at 119

So it has been another great week, even though Rory and I got pretty harsh Flu. Logan is doing great. He is sitting so good with support, gooing and gaainng, he loves standing, even though it has been like that since week one. I bet he will walk early, if not stand early. He's such a sweety. He is so talkative and can talk to us all day. He is chuckling now too, at the silliest things. Oh I just love him. I am so glad we have him. Rory and I were really close before, but he brought us even closer, we are a family, Rory and I just keep falling more and more in love and we love Logan so much. I love my family. So I did a family shoot last week. It was a lot of fun. I had a shoot Sunday but his daughter got a big cold sore so we rescheduled for next week. I am now down to 119. Yay! I feel so good, :). We have had to buy me new clothes, size small shirt and 27 jeans, or size 4. I still want to keep losing but I am feeling radiant! Jareds wedding is in a week. We are stoked for him. There baby is due in Feb. and they are having a little girl. So cute. Well I will give a picture update, :)

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Tepenyaki with Brandie and Conley was awesome! We had lots of fun. Logan loved it. They love Logan, and we are way glad about that because he comes every where with us. They need to have one now! :). Anyways, I have a family shoot tonight at six. I am pretty stoked. I have one next Sunday and the day after and October 9th. I am feeling up which is great for me. I have to go buy a new tripod today Yipee! I am shooting RAW today which I am excited about. Rory and I are getting Photoshop Lightroom so I can work on saturation and exposure. Next in line is my new lense. Tomorrow we are hanging out with Conley and Brandie again for a movie night at our place. Oops gotta go, have props to finish.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Excited and stoked!

It has been a great month! Logan turned the big three months! Such a sweet baby boy. Rory and I have been doing wonderful, as usual :). And I have been booked for three days this month and so far one next month. I am stoked. ALl the practice, learning and experiencing has finally gotten me where I want to be with my photography. I have a family shoot saturday evening and in the morning as well, another family shoot on the next sunday and a couple shoot that saturday, and another family shoot the first saturday of October. I am so proud of my self. I would not be where I am at if it wasn't for all of the support from my amazing husband, parents, family and my little man Logan. We are in a new chapter in life and it is such a great one. Tomorrow is our dinner with Conley and Brandie. I am excited, we always have lots of fun with them plus Tepenyaki is a must! They LOVE Logan which I am glad about because he comes every where with us. He is part of our group :D. So Logan has started teething. He is quite young, but the doctors say he has started and teeth should start sprouting with in a few months. Poor guy, but he is handling it great! He is such a trooper. He has been doing good through the nights, with only one or two wake ups. I am now at 120 pounds. Yipee! I will admit, I look great, but I plan to keep losing. Oh boy, I better get going, got to have a consultation with a client of mine. Wish me luck!