Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Welcome baby Blaire!

She is here! 2 weeks early, but she made a grand arrival. She is perfect. Beautiful dark red hair with those precious blue eyes. She looks a lot like Logan. We arrived at the hospital at 1:00 pm dilated to a 4 and 80% at 5:00 I had only dilated to 5 cm and 90%. It was so discouraging. I had been walking since I arrived at the hospital. My contractions were 3 minutes apart lasting a minute. I felt very exhausted. By six I jumped to 8 cm and completely effaced. Finally, some good progress! 6:30 I was at a 9, Dr. Oneida came in and broke my bags for me. That set me back to being 8 cms again, I was in a lot of pain! Than five minutes later and the biggest urge to push ever, I was ready to get her out. I pushed til 7:05 and out she came. I had a very hard time pushing, turns out, she came out sunny side up and I had back labor again. I almost caved for the epidural, but with an amazing husband, who kept encouraging me and let me run his arm and play with his hair while moaning and groaning, and an awesome nurse, I did it! I am so proud of my little family and for what I achieved. My family is my greatest accomplishment. After delivering her, she got a big bruise on her head from coming out wrong, but she is perfect as ever. 7 pounds and 3 oz. 19 1/2 inches long. She was a big girl for being two weeks early! Logan was a little weirded out at first, but once us four got our alone time, he warmed right up and loved on her like there was no tomorrow. He wiped her down and rubbed her cheeks. He loves her. Rory and Logan are staying at home for the night. Logan did great being baby set. Hung out with gpa Keith and his awesome aunts and uncles and of coarse gma Connie. No crying or anything. I was so relieved to see my mom after delivery. She is my hero. My whole labor I wanted my mom there. Fortunately I had Rory by my side pushing me through. She is already a pro at breast feeding. I am so lucky that both of my babies have been. I feel so complete now. I am so thankful for my life and I look forward to watching her and Logan grow together.