Tuesday, October 25, 2011


So We are pretty sure Logan has hit the terrible two stage. Although he is only a year and a half, he hits everything pretty early, and I don't know how else to explain the things he has been doing! His newest thing, besides dumping spices every where and baking powder all over, is being either really sensitive or really mad and running to his room and he even shuts the door! It is so funny and cute, but it is sad too! It is weird how grown up he is getting.

I am now 9 weeks and 1 day. I have had cravings up the ying yang, and Rory has fulfilled every one! I am still dying of morning sickness, and my house is a mess because if I even attempt to start getting up, I puke. So Rory has been working extra hard after coming home from work to clean it and help with Logan.

I am so blessed!