Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Oh Logan

You know something is coming, don't you? I can tell. You have kept your distance from my belly this week, the morning kisses and cuddles on my ever growing stomach have faded away. At first, it broke my heart, but now I am coming to realize, this is a whole new world for you. You have clung to me like a personal back pack lately as well. As hard as it is to hold you now, I wouldn't trade it for anything. You also only let me get you to sleep too. Everything is going to change for us as a a family soon, but I can promise you that the love mommy and daddy have for you will just continue to grow and grow. You are our buddy. I know, at times, it will be hard to give 100% of our attention to you like we normally do, but I can promise you that we will be devoted to loving and caring for you just as much as ever. You are growing into such a smart boy. You will be a great big brother. I can't wait for you to see your baby sister for the first time. I am going to miss you kissing my belly though, and laughing so hard when baby moves, but the new memories and moments with your sister here will make up for all of that. I look at you and I get teary eyed instantly. I guess it could be from the fact I am 9 months pregnant, but I think it is mostly stemming from how proud of a mommy I am to have you. You are so independent. You are so smart. You are so Perfect. I don't know where daddy and I would be with out you. You have broughten us so much happiness. It is beyond belief. You can still catch us staring at you in amazement, that you are forever Ours. I promise to always listen to you and hear what you are saying. I promise to work my hardest for you, even when it is the most difficult thing. We promise you the best life possible. In 1 month, you will be 2 years old. 2 whole years. Surely, we fell into some sort of time warp, because it has flown by way to fast to be real. You are beyond what I imagined you being. You just keep impressing me. You can sing twinkle twinkle, and your ABC's are getting perfected. We love you so much and nothing will ever change that. I am so excited to see you be a big brother. Thank you for teaching me what life is. We love you buddy.

Next week is your birthday party. We decided to do it at the beginning of May because baby can be here at any time and I want to make sure we have a big celebration of YOU before she does. We rented out a room at Airborne. It is filled with trampolines and foam pits. You love it. Lots of family and friends will be there. It will be Toy Story themed, your favorite. We are excited to share the big day with you and everyone else. On your actual birthday, we will take you to the Zoo again. You love animals and we love watching your reaction.

I hope you are enjoying your nap baby. You look so perfect and peaceful. Once you wake up, adventure begins. I love you baby boy.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Labor and Delivery

Oh fun. Fun Fun fun! I ended up in labor and deliver on tuesday night after some complications and lots of contractions to follow. Little bit frustrating as I had an appointment that morning and I insisted everything was going good and I didn't need a cervical exam. Well, we dropped Logan off with my mom and headed there. Got hooked up to the monitors and they determined my contractions were far to many, they were also getting painful, but they would only last 35 seconds and be gone. They gave me my first round of terbutaline to stop them, that did nothing except make me shake out of control and make my heart race. Second dose, same thing but only intensified my heart problems, and I decided to not get the third dose. My cervix wasnt changing with the contractions and the shot was freaking me out, it can not be good on your heart! I decided to wait it out. Finally was released and was told to stay down. YEA RIGHT! I have a toddler, are you crazy!

It has been crazy. Lost my mucus plug the last two days, contractions still coming. My babies don't like to stay in place. :)

She is just as active as ever though. I have had a feeling all week, before my labor and delivery bout, that she would be making her grand entrance before expected. I guess we wait and see now.

Rory and I are looking at a home that we really like. It is yet to be built. A little freaky to me to build a house, but I guess we see!

Logan is just as crazy as ever and getting smarter and smarter every day.

I love my little family!