Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Surviving my first week being a mom of 2

So, I some how managed to make it out of my first week alive, with healthy children as well! Phew!
It was actually a lot easier than I expected, and Logan has taken on being a big brother like a champ. He is so helpful and likes to help mommy give Blaire her binky, change her diaper and he is all over her with hugs and kisses. He has had a few break downs, as expected, but all around, he has done wonderful.

Rory finally got a new job! I am so proud of him! He has worked so hard for it too. He got hired on as an electricians apprentice. He will start electricians school August 21st. He likes it so far. It has been a little difficult getting used to being at home alone with two babies but I am managing. I am very excited for him!

Blaire is such an easy baby. The only time she cries is when she needs a diaper change and during bath time. She barely fusses to let me know she is hungry. Poor baby Logan had collic as a baby so he was always crying, but he was also a very sweet  baby. He loved being a wake and was very alert. She also is very alert. She wakes up 1-2 times a night for a diaper change and feeding. Speaking of feeding, I am breast feeding. I thought I would die exclusively breastfeeding on demand and having a toddler who really likes mommy being up and around with him, but Logan is learning how to be patient while baby eats. I just couldn't be happier!

House hunting is still just that, hunting. Trying to find our perfect home. Hopefully soon!

I took a few photos yesterday morning of my sweet babies. It was just to sweet not to capture!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Welcome baby Blaire!

She is here! 2 weeks early, but she made a grand arrival. She is perfect. Beautiful dark red hair with those precious blue eyes. She looks a lot like Logan. We arrived at the hospital at 1:00 pm dilated to a 4 and 80% at 5:00 I had only dilated to 5 cm and 90%. It was so discouraging. I had been walking since I arrived at the hospital. My contractions were 3 minutes apart lasting a minute. I felt very exhausted. By six I jumped to 8 cm and completely effaced. Finally, some good progress! 6:30 I was at a 9, Dr. Oneida came in and broke my bags for me. That set me back to being 8 cms again, I was in a lot of pain! Than five minutes later and the biggest urge to push ever, I was ready to get her out. I pushed til 7:05 and out she came. I had a very hard time pushing, turns out, she came out sunny side up and I had back labor again. I almost caved for the epidural, but with an amazing husband, who kept encouraging me and let me run his arm and play with his hair while moaning and groaning, and an awesome nurse, I did it! I am so proud of my little family and for what I achieved. My family is my greatest accomplishment. After delivering her, she got a big bruise on her head from coming out wrong, but she is perfect as ever. 7 pounds and 3 oz. 19 1/2 inches long. She was a big girl for being two weeks early! Logan was a little weirded out at first, but once us four got our alone time, he warmed right up and loved on her like there was no tomorrow. He wiped her down and rubbed her cheeks. He loves her. Rory and Logan are staying at home for the night. Logan did great being baby set. Hung out with gpa Keith and his awesome aunts and uncles and of coarse gma Connie. No crying or anything. I was so relieved to see my mom after delivery. She is my hero. My whole labor I wanted my mom there. Fortunately I had Rory by my side pushing me through. She is already a pro at breast feeding. I am so lucky that both of my babies have been. I feel so complete now. I am so thankful for my life and I look forward to watching her and Logan grow together.

Monday, May 14, 2012

As strange as this sounds, I am at labor and delivery in labor. 4 cms dilated 80% effaced. Waiting for them to say we are admitting you. Contractions every 4 minutes. We will be meeting baby Blaire soon.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Hello world!

I am now just two days shy of 37 weeks. Two days shy of no more bed rest. And two days shy of having a full term pregnancy. Everything has been going well. I am swelling pretty bad and retaining water, blood pressure was really high at my last appointment. So I guess we will now watch all of that. Other than that though, I am 50% effaced and at a loose 1 cm dilated. So almost 2 cms. Half way through on the effacement part! For being 36 weeks though, that is pretty good. She is sitting very low. I am afraid to sit down because it feels like I will sit on her head!

Logan had a GREAT birthday! We rented out a party room at Airborne, his favorite place. All of our friends and family came. He got lots of present and loved his pizza and cake. I can't believe he is almost two! He blew out his candles all by him self. It is just so weird to think, two years ago I was anxiously waiting on him. Now we have this big boy who is so smart and funny. We love him to death. Every morning he wakes and asks where the baby is. He knows she will be here soon! In the next three weeks even! So crazy! We have everything ready. Baby bassinet set up, glider put together, all of her clothes are washed and hung. Car set put together and double stroller as well. Today we will go buy her bath tub and some more diapers. We didn't buy any bottles this time, since I plan on breast feeding til she is one like I did with Logan. It is such a hard task, but the most rewarding ever.

We are now only 2,000 away from paying off Rorys car. We have a little more than $6,000 saved up for our house down payment. Have about $4,000 more to go! We will continue to save though even once we reach our goal so I can have a big down payment on my car. Can't believe that in November we will have two kids and a house. I love where I am at in life. Great husband, perfect kids and things just keep getting better!

Last week I did a girls senior photos. Because we had never met before, she was really shy at first. but by the end of the shoot she was out of her shell and rocking the camera! She is a point dancer at Copper Hills and is also on the dance squad. She loved how her photos turned out. I posted them on my photography page on FB and with in 20 minutes I had 50 new notifications, all commenting on how much they loved them or "likes". I also have a few others looking to get their seniors done as well. Tonight I am doing a 1 year olds photos. I am stoked. I love shooting babies. Next thursday I have an engagement/bridal session.

Nesting has been off the hook at my house this week. Every morning I wake up and clean. Yesterday I scrubbed all of our wood floor by hand. I love nesting. I also love Pine-Sol :)

Well Off to help Logan. Bye!