Sunday, September 19, 2010

Two teeth, huge fire and numerous hospital visits!

This has been one adventerous week! As I have said, Logan began teething last month, but this week his first TWO!!!, yes I said two, teeth came in in two days! He is miserable but he is doing better. Than, I had a horrible pain in my tummy so I went into the ER, turns out my liver is messed up. My enzyme level should be at about 50-100, it is at a 500. They sent me home with an antibitioc and told me to get an appt for a scope in my tummy, went home and it got worst with a high fever. Went back in and had to stay the night. Hopefully this works out, I will have to get a camera shoved down my throat to see what is going on. Also, the mountain right next to our house is on fire. HUGE fire. It is spreading fast. I got some nifty pictures of it too! Well, off to cuddle Logan. Good night :)