Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Holy Crap We finally are getting married!

So it is official! We are getting married a whole year before we though! August 25! My mom decided to sign for me, and we want it to be August 25. Everything is planning out perfectly. We recently got a new home, and the wedding and reception will be in our new and beautiful and large back yard! It is incredible the way life works. So unexptingly. We have already boughten our rings, and I am just awaitng to get mine. Rory just got his today. They are in the process of resizing mine. With all of the stress of our wedding, I know everything will plan out to be perfect! I am extremely excited for it all! I know people say that young couples do not make it, but we are the exception. I know Rory is meant for me, and my life is nothing with out him. Right now, we are deciding between Hawaii or Australia. I am dreading the flight. I HATE FLYING! The flight to both would be 12-18 hours. It stresses me and makes me cringe just thinking about it. Oh my gosh. But I know we will be okay! I know it! So we will be renting a room in the basement of our new house. It is a whole new house down there. Leeann and Marcus will be renting out the rest. I am just so happy as to how all of it is coming down. It will be perfect! We love you guys!