Monday, December 31, 2012

What 2012 brought us, and what is hasn't...

2012 has been a roller coaster of feelings and emotions and new things!

 Logan started talking in January, and hasn't stopped since. He also officially potty trained. No more diapers at all! Not even at night. He is a champ. He can sing the ABC'S to us and count to ten almost perfectly. He is a little music kid. LOVES all music. A few favorite songs of his this year, Sexy and I know it LMFAO, Party Rockers LMFAO, Gangnam Style PSI, and a few more. He loves the movies, Elf, Letter Factory, Incredibles, Spider Man, Transformers, Toy Story, I am legend, and a few others. He really enjoys cuddling with us and watching movies. He is growing so much! He became  a big brother this year and proved everyone wrong as well. Most people thought Logan would have a really hard time adjusting, but he didn't. He took on the brother role right away and perfectly. The first moment he saw Blaire, the first thing he said was " Oh Hi Baby!" It has been the most amazing thing to watch, how much he loves her and protects her already. Now they can actually play and laugh with eachother. He can easily make her laugh hysterically. At the beginning of the year, Logans sleep schedule was off. Way off. He couldnt make it 2 hours sleeping through the night. It is finally becoming all the way through. Thank goodness! We took Logan to Toy Story on Ice this year. It was a lot of fun for all of us. We also took lots of trips to the bounce house which is always fun! Logan turned two and we celebrated his birthday at Airborne. He loved it! He has grown so much this year. He had a great year of achievement. Learned so much! He is still a very picky eater, but with a lot of patience and a lot of fighting him, he is starting to try new things! He had a great Christmas with a lot of presents. He was extra spoiled, and he deserved it. He made lots of friends this year, his best being Knoxy. He loves Knox! After our lease was up, we moved into my moms mother in law basement where Knox is living right now, these two boys have a blast all day together, They are so much trouble, but I am so glad they are so close. He always loves playing with his new friend Ryu, and all of his cousins. Logans hair is blondish brown and his eyes are a beautiful deep brown with looong eye lashes. Everyone always compliments them. I am so proud of you Logan. I know 2013 will bring so much more to you. Keep growing tall buddy and always reach for the stars! We love you so much!

Staring in January,, Blaire was only 20 weeks in my belly. She had people thinking I was making my pregnancy up due to how small I was. She was a very active baby in my belly and proved to be the same the instant she popped out. She weighed 7 pounds 3 oz and 19 inches long, and now is 17 pounds and 26 inches long. Tall and skinny like her brother. She is growing so fast! She loves to babble and talk. She can say mama and dada and learned to say them both in the same day. She learns very fast. She can pull her self to stand almost perfectly and is crawling everywhere. She loves my cell phone and she also loves music. I sing You are my Sunshine every day to Logan and Blaire and they both love it. She also loves the ABC's. She loves playing with her brother! She laughs at him and it is so cute. She loves doing tricks with dad. She eats baby food like a champ. Her favorite is pears and bananas. She is starting on a sippy cup with water. She is still breastfed and will be til she is one. She is a little fashionista. Her hair is bright red. She gets compliments every where we go! She had a great Christmas with lots of toys! We are very proud of you Blaire. You grow so fast and are hitting your milestones early, just like your brother. We look forward to watching you grow and learn in 2013. We love you sooo much!

Rory accomplished a lot this year! He finished welding school. Unfortunately, the job demand is low and he wasnt able to find a job doing it. He did find a job as en electricians apprentice and he loved it! Work ran out and he is self employed now which has worked better than anything else. He is still great with money, and has helped us save a lot for a down payment on a house. Rory gained a daughter this year and has showed me countless times the reason I love him so much. He is such a great dad to our kids. Always has them laughing and squealing. He is also a great husband. He also always has me laughing. He takes care of me and our kids so well. He has dealt with my migraines so great. Always gives me breaks when I need them, takes me shopping all the time, spoils our kids like crazy, stays in the hospital with me watching the babies when I have to bad of a migraine. He and his best friend Brandon started a business this year and are building websites. They are working on one that will be published later this year. I am so proud of him! He is just amazing. We bought a new 2013 Mazda CX5 this year and traded our Corolla in. He is a great person. I always catch him holding the door for everyone, and stopping in the road to help people on there car that breaks down. He is always willing to help someone. I love him more than ever. We celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary and our 6 years together total and I couldnt be happier. He has held me up through hard times and he makes me so happy. I love him more than I can explain. Even though we didnt get our house this year, we still have eachother and i know with that, we can do what ever we want. THIS is our year babe. Thanks for being so supportive and keeping me on my toes with your brilliant ideas. I am so excited to see where your website is going to take us. I know 2013 will bring you great success and great accomplishment. I love you so much and cant wait to spend another year by your side with our two babies!

Me, my goals at the beginning were to be more patient, a better mom and wife and get a house. I think I have accomplished them to the best of my abilities. The house wasn't in store for us last year but it brought us a lot of knowledge of buying a house. Things that I know to watch for this year when we do. I feel like being a better mom and wife will never be fully accomplished because every day there is new things to learn and grow from, but I know I can be the best mom and wife I can be today and tomorrow I will try to be even better. I love my babies completely and utterly and have the best job in the world. They are my everything. I love my husband so much. I have everything I need by my side. I slowed my photography down after having Blaire, but hope to bring it back up when I am finished breastfeeding. My migraines have stayed about the same but I switched neurologists in hopes to get a little more hopeful on the whole situation. I met my goal weight and now weigh 106 pounds. I gained a new daughter who I adore. I helped Logan learn a lot! I also pushed my self with working out. I started on June 26th, and have been at it since. I now have a full six pack. That is something I never thought I would say. I am proud of my self all around. Tomorrow I will list my resolutions.

Here are some photos!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Life at this moment

Things have been going a little hectic lately, but great all around. I turned 21 a few weeks ago. It was the best birthday I have had in a long time. Rory woke me up early and had me get ready. Than, we he took me on a shopping spree, $500 limit! During shopping, he surprised me with a gorgeous bouquet of red roses and holly berries. They were so pretty! Than, he took our family to dinner at Tepenyaki. It was a great day. I am so thankful for him. He is my best friend and my better half. I love him so much.

Blaire is rolling everywhere and talking about everything. She learned how to say mama and dada in the same day. She can scoot around, and almost crawl. She can pull her self up to stand. She weighed 17 pounds and was 26 inches at her last appointment. She is a sweet heart. Logan can make her laugh so hard. They both adore each other. 

Logan can sing the ABC's all the way through and can count to ten. He knows his shapes and colors. He can full conversations with us. He is a little genius. He is also a little comedian. He can make us laugh so hard.

We took Logan and Blaire to the bounce house a few nights ago with a friend and his two kids. Logan had so much fun. It was definitely a work out, but we all had a blast!

Today is Christmas eve. Logan is stoked about waking up tomorrow. Tonight we will let him and Blaire open their Eve present. We got them a set of pajamas, a Christmas movie and some hot coco. We decided to do this as a tradition every year.

Logan and Blaire will be having a great Christmas tomorrow. They both got extra spoiled. They deserve it so much.

Rory and I have also started a tradition this year of choosing one person to help out around Christmas.

A woman on my FB page gave birth at 26 weeks. Her son is lucky to be a live, but he also has a lot of complications. He was able to come home last month. He was born the same day Blaire was. She mentioned how she was struggling with Christmas, due to medical bills and gas from driving to and from the hospital. We sent her a $100 gift card to Walmart. It wasnt much, but it made us feel good and she was appreciative. Next year we hope to do $150.
 I am thankful my husband is such a caring man. It was actually his idea, and I am so glad he was all up for it. I think it is a great thing to instil in your children. The act of giving.

Tonight we are all going to Buca Di Peppo with my family. I am so excited!