Wednesday, February 1, 2012

23 weeks and nesting!

Let the clean freak in me come out! I am nesting like crazy! I didn't nest with Logan til I was around 30 weeks, but I am only 23 weeks and it is crazy! I have been cleaning every thing in my house, from the base boards to the light switches. I am also craving to eat cleaning products. MMM, I would love to brush my teeth with Comet or poor me a glass or nice cold Pinesol :)

A few nights ago, we had a little scare. I started having contractions. These were not Braxton Hicks (practice contractions) These were full on and real. Luckily they stopped after a few hours, but the thought worries me. With Logan, I went into early labor at 30 weeks, thankfully it stopped it self, but I was put on bed rest til I hit full term. Bedrest with a toddler is not very ideal, so I am hoping that won't be the case for me.

My morning sickness is still here and bad. I hate it. I have only gained 5 or 6 pounds this pregnancy, and because I was underweight to start with, it should be closer to 10-15. But I am not complaining because baby Blaire is healthy.

We are only a month or so out til we have our cosigner on our house! I am getting so excited. It will be nice to finally have our OWN home.

Rory takes his test this week. I am so excited for him. He has put in a few resumes and everything is looking good so far. He is such a hard worker and so dedicated.

Logan is so smart, and learning like crazy. He can tell us so many sounds of the alphabet, as well as animals and vehicles. He can tell us A, B, C, E, H, S, and F. He can tell us the sounds a dog makes, a cow, a baby, train, airplane, daddy (says no no no :) ) monkey, lion and more. He understands everything we say. He listens very well! He knows a few names, like Reece, Brooky and sometimes Affy and Reily.

Time is flying by with this pregnancy. I am SO excited!