Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas already?!?

December has come and gone! I turned 22 and now we are about to celebrate Christmas. Christmas is so exciting for us as a family now. Mostly because we get to  watch our littles open every present "Santa" brought :) This year, Logan asked for Furbys and Robots. Blaire wanted babies and a Furby. They both got just that as well as lots others. We also purchased them both a Nabi. Although it is a very stressful time, the stress melts away when we see our babies light up opening gifts. This year, Rorys parents are coming down to stay with us. We are all excited to see them!

We just got home from the Grand America. My parents bought all of us each a room and we all stayed the night. We started the trip off with a ride on the trax to Build a Bear where my mom and dad purchased each child a bear. Blaire got a my little pony and Logan got a camo bear. We went home, had room service and hot chocolate and went to bed. Woke up went to breakfast and now we are all snug in our homes. I can't believe how fast time is passing lately. I feel like it is becoming impossible to slow things down. I have been booked out for months on photo sessions and all of the editing is taking up my time, as well as working and being a mom, but I view it all as a very big blessing. I am thankful to be able to help provide for our family along with Rory, as well as doing what I love.

Blaire has been walking and talking like crazy. She repeats everything! LOOVEES Logan, she copies everything he does. She can even tell us when she needs to go potty.

Logan, he is our little champ. He knows everything, colors, shapes, numbers, letters etc. He is too smart. I have no doubt in my mind that our kiddos are going to do fantastic in school.

We have had a fun time celebrating the holidays. Lots of gingerbread houses, ice ornaments, Elf on the shelf (charlie) Christmas cookies, and fun movies. I love this time of year.

We also welcomed a sweet niece into our family, baby Grace. She is beautiful. Looks like her big brother.

Rory and I are happy as ever. A little tired from sleeping with two big kids, but none the less, soo in love.

Our house is coming along. We finished painting and furnished it. We absolutely love being home owners.