Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving and such

Thanksgiving was a great time! Even though Rory had to work that day, he got home just in time to have a beautifully and SUPER yummy cooked dinner by my mom, my self and my sisters. It was perfect. After dinner with my family, we went and visited with my dad and his side. Unfortunately, Logan was to sick to stay for long, so we had to leave early. After words, we went up to say hi to Rorys family. Logan really loves there two dogs. Rorys grandma Hoffman is getting ready to leave us, which is really sad, but it is better for her. She will finally be reunited with the love of her life and no longer be bed ridden in pain. Logan gave he lots of loves. It was so sweet. Than, we headed back to my moms and ate some pie. I love eating at my moms house. Her meals are always so good and filled with lots of love and care. The black Friday this year was crazy and we were not going to subject our selves to waiting in live for hours on end and end up with nothing good. So we went later in the afternoon. We finished all of our shopping for Logan. Lots of toys, trucks, a portable DVD player and lots of movies. He is set this year! We just have to get my parents and Rorys parents presents. Rory got my a Cricut Expressions 2 and he got the Ipad 2.
In two weeks we will find out what we are having. I am pretty sure it is a girl, but I really would be happy either way. This pregnancy has been pretty tough on me. I suffer from Chronic Migraines and have for a really long time, but with Logans pregnancy I only had one the whole nine months, compared to having four a month. Well, this one they havent gone away and because I can't take strong pain killers while pregnant, they last up to four days. I barely like taking Tyelonol while pregnant, so having to take that constantly is hard for me. My blood pressure is high with this one as well which has the doctor a little concerned. Hopefully it will level it self out because it would be impossible for me to be put on bed rest. My morning sickness has let up a little bit, but I still can not eat anything with out puking up until about 3 in the after noon, so I am still losing weight. I do have confidence that everything is going to work out perfectly though and I am so excited for this little one to join our perfect family.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Gingerbread house and sugar cookies

Tonight, Rory has to work unfortunately, so it is just me and Logan! We are going to make pizza for dinner, and than decorating our Gingerbread house and making cookies and decorating them. I love spending time with my little man, it is even better when Rory can do it with us, but I better get used to it because he is going to be working and going to school full time starting tomorrow! Yep! We are very excited about it! He starts welding school tomorrow. I am so proud of him. He is so willing to do what ever it takes to better his families life. It is only a four month program but it will make a huge difference in our lives. Well, off to watch Backyardigans with my little guy!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Baby heart beat :)

I never got to tell how awesome my appt. went a few weeks ago. We finally got to hear our little sweeties heart beat. 159 and strong. It is such an amazing noise, I have two hearts beating inside of me. Rory and I created this. I loved it.

My morning sickness is still here and still strong, but I am striving. No weight gain yet, but it looks like the weight loss has stopped. I am thinking girl, but I still cant say for sure. I am now almost 13 weeks. Really dragging right now.

More great news, Rory and I are seriously looking into buying a house at the end of our lease. We have been shopping around, and are considering Herriman or Bluffdale. It is so exciting yet a little nerve wracking. The end of our lease is in May, which is when little baby is due and Logans 2nd birthday. Moving, birthday planning, and giving birth, what a crazy and exciting month.
Well, off to make my house smell of beautiful things, adios!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Coming home

Austin, his wife and little Lukey are officially coming home for good! It has been a scary, stressful and exciting four years, but Austin succeeded and has come so far. He is so brave. I am so brave the way he turned out. All of my family members have grown into such amazing and productive people. I couldn't be more proud of my family. Karlee and Luke are on their way home right now, driving. Austin will be home December 17th. I am so glad our family is going to be a whole again.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween and precious moments

On Halloween we took Logan trick or treating with my younger siblings. Logan seriously loved it! He also enjoyed the awesome candy (as did I). We also went to dinner with my family that night. It was an all around great day. Logan was the cutest monkey ever!

I have been thinking about all of these precious moments we have that pass us by so fast, and we don't have much time to cherish them.

My wedding day. You came and went so fast, I barely had time to enjoy it all. It was the best day of my life. I got to walk down the aisle with both of my dads by my side down to the love of my life. I will never forget that moment and I will forever cherish it.

Finding out I am pregnant. Just a month after celebrating the best day of my life, I found out I was pregnant. Watching those two pink lines show up was the best feeling ever. Telling Rory and cuddling with him after made everything so perfect.

Being pregnant. Although I had a tough pregnancy, I still enjoyed every kick, hiccup, and roll I felt from my little guy. I loved having Rory have his hand on my belly as we enjoyed Logan kicking up a storm.

Giving birth. The day I went into labor was the most exciting and scary day I had in my life. I was so scared about him coming out healthy, and being a new mom, but I could not wait to hold him and gaze into his eyes. Holding Logan the first time, this was the best moment of my life.

Bringing Logan home. Rory and I stared at him all day. We were still in amazement, and even now that he is a 1 1/2 we still watch him in amazement. He is just so perfect.

Moving into our first apartment.
This was extremely exciting. The first month, hectic. But we managed and figured everything out perfectly!

Finding out we are starting that journey all over again. It was just a few weeks ago that we found out we are expecting number 2, but it all passed by so fast. I look forward to those special moments I shared with Logan to share with this baby as well.