Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines day and 25 weeks!

So today is Valentines day, and a great day! I have so much to love in my life, especially the love OF my life. He is the most perfect man alive. He could never be compared to, and I am so thankful to have been blessed with such a perfect angel to stand by my side in life. He truly has been the most loving, caring, perfect, smart, handsome, amazing man I could ask for. Today, we are gong to see Wolf Man, and than going to Lunch. It should be great! Rory got me the camera of my dreams for Valentines. It is a Canon EOS XSI 450d. It is amazing. I have a photo shoot booked monday morning and I am way excited to use it! The picture quality is great! I got Rory this paintball gun he has been wanting. He has decided to find a hobby, and paintball gunning sounded great for him. He definetly needs a hobby so he can enjoy him self instead of being the hardworker he is. So Logan is getting bigger, I say that instead of me getting bigger because it just sounds so much better! Lol! But really, I can not even believe how tight my pants are on me now lol. I am still way underweight, but I have gained which is good. Dr. Oneida doesn't seem to worried so I won't be either. I am not sure if I told you guys, but I am having some serious problems with my kidneys. I told you about the hospital trip, well it turns out that water that is surrounding my kidneys is actually urine. The valves to my kidneys have been blocked off my Logan and my uterus laying on it, so they ruptured which explains all of my pain. I go in tuesday for an ultrasound, than she will determine if I need the surgery, which they will go through my back and put a stint into my valves and than give me a colostrum because I won't be able to use the bathroom. I am really hoping I can avoid this at all costs. She also said that if it isn't healed by the time of my labor, I will most likely have to get a C-section because of the pressure it will put on it by pushing. Well, as long as Logan is alive and kicking I am fine. Reece turns 7 years old tommorrow! It is so sad yet so great that he is growing up so fast. I remember visiting him while he was in NICU those two weeks as a new born. He was so little and precious. Now he is still so cute, but he can actually talk which means he talks just like a boy! Austin comes home next saturday for two weeks, and than will be deployed to Afghanistan. Karlee will be staying in Utah and living here for the next seven months. As nervous as I am for him, I know and I am confident he is going to do great. He is a strong, brave man, and all the training he has had has prepared him for whats coming. I just look forward to the last of the seven months when we can all see him again! Well, better go get ready!

1 comment:

  1. I know you hate me, but I thought I would say that's so awesome Shelby. Good luck with bebe logan :]
